
Welcome To Department of History

Department Of History

Ganesh Lal Choudhury College was established at the heart of the Barpeta Road Town as a Co-educational institution in the year 1990. The College took its birth with the generous donation of Rs.1000000/-(Ten Lakhs) only by a prominent citizen of Barpeta Road, Late Mohan Lal Choudhury , in the name of his elder brother Late Ganesh Lal Choudhury . As Such the institution bears the name “Ganesh Lal Choudhury College”.The Classes of G.L.Choudhury College started from the academic year 1990-91, with two classes, that is Higher Secondary First Year and B.A.First Year Class.

The Department of History was also started from the academic session 1990-91, as a General (Core) subject in H.S.-I Year and B.A. Ist  Year Classes. The Classes of First Year academic session were done by Professor Abdul Mannaf Sikdar of B.H.College Howly.

Name of the Professor Date of Joining Date of Leaving
Abdul Mannaf Sikdar                             


01-08-1990 05-08/1991




  1. The name of the Department: History
  2. Year of Establishment : 1990
  3. Name of the Programmes/ Courses : General and Major. UG, Major Course in the Department of History was introduced from the Academic session 2002-03, Vide G.B.Resolution No.02 dated 28-08-2002.

4.Date of University Permission of History as a General subject:

B.A.1st Year Permission: 24-04-1991.

B.A.2nd Year Permission: 13-08-1994 (Session 1993-94)

  1. Date of University (Gauhati) Affiliation :

B.A.Part I: 01-04-1997,

B.A.Part II: 24-10-1998

Permanent Affiliation: 31-08-2009

6. Date of Govt. Concurrence:A. Part I: 03-04-1995 (Read More)


Miran Hussain Choudhury (M.A , B.Ed)

HOD Cum Assistant Professor (Senior Grade)

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Gias Uddin Ahmed (M.A , M.Phil , B.Ed)

Assistant Professor (Senior Grade)

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Dr. Rupanjit Das (M.A, SLET-NE, Ph.D)

Assistant Professor

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