Online form submission Notice of BA First Semester for the session 2020-21
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College Admissions Webinar Series In this panel discussion several college admissions experts speak to some of the most common questions parents have when navigating the admissions process. In addition, they share important insights and suggestions on how to make your application stand out.
Online Admission in Class Eleven (HS 1st Year) – 2020-2021
Online Admission in Class Eleven (HS 1st Year) – 2020-2021 >> click here
Notice for HS 2nd Year Class To Collect Free Books
Notice for HS 2nd Year Class To Collect Free Books
HS 1st Year Admission Notice at GLC College, Barpeta Road/ 2020-2021
HS 1st Year Admission Notice at GLC College, Barpeta Road/ 2020-2021
Best Practices of our college – 2020
Practice I:
1. Title of the Practice
Transparent admission policy
2. Goal
Every year the college receives a lot of applications to seek admission to various programs that the college runs. It is impossible for the college to entertain each and every candidate seeking admission to the college. Demand for seats is always higher than available seats. So, there comes the need of a selection of candidates for various programs. To date, the college has been following a very clear and transparent admission policy so that there cannot be any dispute regarding the admission process and the candidates are admitted purely on merit basis.
3. The Context
The college has to keep in mind the following things in adopting an admission policy:
(a) The college is centrally located, where diverse communities and groups of people reside
(b) In most cases demand for seats is much higher than available seats.
(c) A large number of candidates represent economically backward classes.
(d) There is a constant pressure of the local people since most of the candidates belong to the nearby locality.
(e) To encourage quality education, the college has been following a very clear and transparent admission policy on the basis of merit.
4. The Practice
The prospectus clearly states the admission policy of the college. Students are enrolled purely on merit basis. As per the govt. rule seats are reserved for SC, ST, OBC, and physically challenged students. Here also, merit is the only followed rule. Apart from these, the principal has the discretion to enroll a few more students on the basis of some outstanding performance shown in the field of sports, music and other such fields. The college authority constitutes an Admission Committee consisting of staff members and this committee is bestowed with the responsibility of completing the entire admission process. Thee to this continuous healthy practice. Admission Committee declares the list of selected candidates in order of merit, showing the marks they secure in 10+2 examinations along with a waiting list. In this way, the whole process of admission is made transparent.
5. Evidence of Success
The clarity and transparency maintained in the Admission Process has brought about some
success in respect of achieving the desired goal. The college has succeeded in avoiding all kinds of controversies and disputes in the admission process. Secondly, the admission committee of the college is hardly pressurized by individuals seeking admission to the college. Besides all these, the admission process has been hailed by one and all.
6. Problems Encountered and Resources Required
The problems faced by the admission committee in adopting a clear cut admission process in the college are: (a)The college has to face tremendous pressure from different corners to accommodate more students than it can actually accommodate due to its convenient location. (b) A large number of local students pass out 10+2 Examinations every year from this locality, and they expect admission to Degree level in this college. Ultimately these students put pressure to the college authority to increase the number of seats in the B.A. level. There comes the need for more classrooms and more teachers which is not available in the college.
1. Title of the Practice:
Transparent examination system
2. Goal:
To assess and enhance the existing examination system and bring out qualitative changes in the overall academic environment of the college.
To monitor the overall performance of students and teachers.
3. The Context:
Since teaching, learning, and evaluation is an integral part of the teaching-learning process, the examination system needs to be transparent and clean for quality enhancement of students.
4. The Practice:
Every year the principal of the college constitutes the Examination Board for smooth conduct of internal and external examinations along with recording the performances of students. Final Semester examinations are held according to the programs declared by Gauhati University (GU) in advance. For each semester examination, one supervising officer is appointed by GU to monitor the entire examination process of the said examination. Instructions on question paper collection, answer scripts sending, evaluation zones are followed according to the prescribed norm of the GU authority. Internal Examinations like unit tests, test examinations are held according to the programs mentioned in the academic calendar of college. Head of the Departments is notified by the Examination Board to submit set question papers at least 10 days before the commencement of the examination. For every 25 students, one invigilator is allotted. The high point of our practice is that someone found to adopt unfair means in the examination is expelled straightway. Evaluation of answer scripts of the internal examinations is done by the concerned subject teachers within a stipulated time. Results are declared by the Examination Board immediately after the submission of mark sheets by the teachers. Result sheets along with marks obtained are hanged in the notice boards for the convenience of the students. Students not appearing in their concerned internal examinations are never allowed to appear in their final examinations.
5. Evidence of Success:
It has been observed that students’ attendance in the examinations has become encouraging. Due to strictness and discipline maintained in the examination process of the academic atmosphere, the college has remained congenial. Students are compelled to become more learners centric. The progression of students from UG to PG has increased to a great extent. Confidence writ is large on the students due to this continuous healthy practice.
6. Problems Encountered and Resources Required:
Sometimes the whole staff including the administrative head has to engage in some examination related work where no. of students is maximum. Bringing the packets of question papers every day from the police station before the commencement of the examination and sending the answer scripts to its assigned address in a sealed packet on the same day is very challenging. Human resources, as well as monetary resources, are required for the smooth conduct of different examinations held in a year.
Procedures and policies 2018-19 of G L Choudhury College
Procedures and policies 2018-19 of G L Choudhury College
All kind of infrastructure are maintained by the college authority within its organization for construction. Usually the authority forms a construction committee and the committee remains active until the work is over.
However for the maintenance, some of the faculty members given in charge specially for the beautification of the college. For electric machinery maintenance one official from the principal office is given in charge, electric instruments like computers, CCTV camera and other electronic gadgets are maintained by the senior assistant of the college time to time. Besides, the users of the different gadgets are suggested to inform for any complaintso that the complaints can be met up instantly.
Computers and other accessories of the computer lab are maintained by the faculty member of the computer education.
Computers and other instruments of the library are maintained by the librarian.
Sports instruments, playground etc are maintained by the prof. in-charge of the sport cell.
Hostel (Girls’) is managed and maintained by its warden.
All kind of laboratories especially of anthropology and education are maintained by the faculty members of the respective departments.
The authority and beautification committee keep in view to maintain a eco friendly atmosphere in the institution and garden of the engage casual labors.